Thursday, December 15, 2005

Great Things about Israel

Sometimes it seems as if the whole world has completely lost its collective mind when it comes to Israel, especially these days. Frankly, it feels to me that the atmosphere about Israel these days is much the same as it was about Jews in Germany in the nineteen thirties. And we seem just as loathe to criticize the generators of that atmosphere today as we were then. Does the word 'scapegoat' ring a bell?

But on a lighter note, there is a wonderful website that tells real news about Israel, called Israel21C . While Israel tries to fight off the Palestinians, the Iranians, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc they never stop trying to do good works.

A mobile mission - Israeli researchers help stem mental retardation in Arab village A team of Israeli scientists is helping to turn around the high rate of mentally retarded babies being born in an Israeli Arab village. In addition to identifying the gene that causes the defect, the team has developed a blood test that bring to the village to determine if adults are carriers of the gene or if a young fetus is likely to possess the gene. Come learn about the work of Dr. Lina Basel. More...

Ailing hearts boosted by Israeli stem cell treatment
12/11/05 - A novel Israeli stem cell treatment for heart disease is exciting the medical world even before it has undergone full clinical testing. TheraVitae's VesCell treatment, which repairs damaged or inactive heart tissue using adult stem cells harvested from the patient's own blood, has achieved amazing results on over 60 people with no other therapeutic options - including famed singer Don Ho - and has won the company the World Economic Forum's Technology Pioneers award for 2006. More...

Israeli riding therapy 'bucks' the system The Therapeutic Riding Center of Israel is a trendsetter in the field of Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT), a technique that demonstrates that sometimes a dog or a horse is the best therapist. Over 600 patients - with handicaps ranging from blindness to brain damage, as well as high risk teens and kids with special needs or learning disabilities - receive treatment through a range of TRCI's innovative Equine and Dog Assisted Therapy programs. More...
